مجلة اقرا

Saudi Participation in Spanish Arab Fashion

مهرجان”Spanish Arab fashion”


By: Samar Yahya

Preparations are on by The Spanish “Art and Culture Without Borders” Association for the second edition of “Spanish Arab Fashion” festival, which will held in March at the historic Francois Nunis Palace.

“Our aim is to create a cultural image that blends the Moroccan caftan with the beautiful Arab costumes of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait and Oman, and the Spanish and European traditional industry represented by the Francois Nunis Palace.” said Soumaya Aqbeeb the head of festival.

Saudi fashion designer Omaima Azouz confirmed her participation in the festival to represent Saudi Arabia. She also called for a number of distinguished designers for participation in the global festival, which shows the skills of the Saudi designers that are parallel to international designers.