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Best Eyeliner for Your Eye Shape

By: Samar Yahya

Make up is an art by itself, yet eye makeup requires more accuracy especially when it comes to eyeliner. You really have to know how to use eyeliner to come out in the best appearance that you love.

To get the perfect winged eye look, you have to do your eyeliner based on what works best for your eye shape.

Small Eyes

If you have small eyes, you need to apply eyeliner in a way to expand your eye shape. Create a thin line at the inner corners and thicker at the outer corners. This makes the eyes look bigger than they actually are.

Almond Eyes

Almond eyes are the easiest eyes to use eyeliner on, with almond eyes you could wear any type of liner; thin, thick, wing or not to. Apply any even shape eyeliner you desire and all will work with your almond eyes.

Upturned Eyes

The best for upturned eyes is to use a thin line with a little wing. Also, connect the wing to a little liner under the eye.

Downturned Eyes

If your eyes are downturned, you need the eyeliner in the inner corner of the eye thinner and outer corner thicker. Extend your wing a little past your eye shape and angle it upwards to lift your eye.

Hooded Eyes

You want the eyeliner in the inner corner of the eye thinner and outer corner thicker similar to the downturned eyes, then extend your wing a little past your eye shape.