مجلة اقرا

5 Steps to Skin Care at Home

By: Samar Yahya

We all seek beautiful and bright skin, but we hardly do extra effort to take care of our skin, especially with the fast life style we all live.

Our skin needs to be taken care of on a regular basis. Include daily face cleanup at your daily routine, here is a guide to skin care at home.

Cleanse Wash your face thoroughly with a facial cleanser or face wash, and pat the skin dry with a soft towel. Make sure to avoid hot water as it dries out the skin.

Steam Steam for as long as your skin can maintain (5 minutes) and then gently wipe the face with a facial tissue. Massage your face using an ice cube in circular motions.

Scrub Apply a face scrub for a few minutes since it helps eliminate dead skin cells, you can apply a mix of sugar and honey in equal parts to exfoliate your skin naturally.

Toning Apply a homemade toner on your face, such as cucumber juice and rose water, which helps maintain the pH balance.

Moisturizing Finally, apply a nourishing cream on your face and neck. Don’t forget to moisturize your face before going to bed.