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Eyelashes Primer Your Way to Put Away False Eyelashes

Translation: Samar Yahya

Eyelashes Primer is a new makeup product, which many do not have enough information about. What is the eyelashes primer and its benefits? Makeup expert Raghd Adnan will explain more in the following tips.

* Eyelashes Primer is a lotion made from moist and nourishing oils and contains some fine fibers in the form of lint.

* Eyelashes Primer is used to give eyelashes a more intense and longer look, as well as protect it from mascara, and helps to lift up the eyelashes.

* Apply one or two layers of Eyelashes Primer and wait a bit until it dries then apply one or more layers of mascara.

* Eyelashes Primer will help you to stop using false eyelashes, yet it gives the same look as if you are using false eyelashes.

* Choose Eyelashes Primer from a reputable brand, so you would get satisfying result.

* I highly recommend adding Eyelashes Primer as one of your basic makeup products