مجلة اقرا

Light up Your Makeup in The Right Way

Translation: Samar Yahya

Highlighter is one of the most important make-up products, nowadays. It shows the complexion in a healthy and youthful way. We can find it in almost and every woman’s bag, including liquid and droplet highlighter.

Make up expert, Nedaa Abdullah advises us on how to use this type of highlighter.

– Always choose soft liquid highlighter so it will not clump on your skin later.

– Moisturize your skin thoroughly before applying makeup.

– Always choose the right degree of highlighter that matches your skin colour, so you would avoid your makeup turning into grey after a short while.

– To add a summer touch, mix drops of highlighter with the foundation cream before applying it to your skin.

– Focus on the spots of light capture in your face; cheeks top, nose, chin, upper lip borders and above eyebrows arch.

– Using a brush or sponge, begin by spreading a little amount thoroughly before it dries, then add little by little, till you reach the desired look.

– Avoid the open pores because liquid highlighter collects inside them and draws more attention to these pores.