مجلة اقرا

Family event with ta’ateemah

By: Samar Yahya

Hijazi Ta’ateemah is not just a tradition, but also to the people of Hijaz it is a synonym for joy. Following grandparents’ habits to decorate their wedding nights; Ta’ateemah now it is part of Eid festive. “Happy Eid” and let’s explore what it contains:

•The table’s bridegroom is ‘Shoraik’; bread made with flour, chickpeas powder, shiba, margarine and salt.

•The bride is the pumpkin jam or so-called “shashni”; made from pumpkin with the addition of orange and lemon juice.

•The parents of the groom and his companions are “Nawashjf” which are the domestic cheese and different kinds of Halawa made from white sesame whether plain or stuffed with pistachio.

•The groom close friend is the so-called ‘futoof’; it is bread made with white or whole-wheat flour with the addition of black seed, anise or cumin.

•The bride’s family if not there, the whole joy will be incomplete, the taste of the Hijazi people will not be satisfied except with the syrup mixed with laddo and herisa made from chickpeas flour; and white labania as white as the hearts being washed by the month of mercy and forgiveness.

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