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5 Earrings’ Styles that Change Your Look

By: Samar Yahya

Earrings have the ability to completely transform a look, so, you have to find out earrings that would suit your haircut and hairstyle. Based on our following advices on how to choose your earrings, you can have diverse options that will get you excited about your look!

For an Eye-catching Look

If you feel like getting your hair out of your face and want something eye-catching, go for bulky earrings that are not just accessories to your outfit, but the focal piece of your look.

For Short Hair

A short cut can be a tricky hairstyle to match with your earrings. Earring jackets and cuffs look fantastic along your ears when you have a shorter cut. Earring cuffs with a single color are the best choice as this gives a classy eye-catching look and does not make your outfit too busy.

Crystals and diamonds are the perfect choice for a statement cuff earring as they make earring cuffs looking feminine and glamorous.

When You Have an Up-do

When you have an up-do, there can be quite a lot of space from your ear to your shoulders and your ears are going to be clearly visible and you can really flaunt a pair of classic earrings.

If you want to have an elegant look for an outer evening, Up-dos can be very neat, and to complete this chick look, go for an earring that has little sparkle. It can be petite, just make sure it does not take away of your makeup look.

Letting Your Hair Down

For everyday wear and when you wear your hair down it can distract from any earrings you wear, a pair of studs is the simplest way to go.

To make it more striking, choose a pair of gemstone studs such as pearls and black onyx that will get noticed. Also, vibrant colorful tasseled earrings look ladylike and sophisticated no matter what hairstyle you have.

Shoulder Length Hair

When you have shoulder length hair there is a definite line created across your shoulders. The ideal pair of earrings can be colorful and quite large but make sure they don’t go past the line of your shoulders.

Look for earrings that fill the space around your face created by your hair. So, statement earrings and chandelier styles will look seamless with shoulder length hair.