مجلة اقرا

Mediums of Dimensions

By: Samar Yahya

Fatma Alay participated in ‘Tasmeem’ exhibition as the first exhibition to participate in. Fatima displayed her design ‘Mediums of Dimensions’.

To her, ‘Tasmeem’ was a great experience in so many ways, personally, professionally and socially. On a professional level, it helped her connecting with other professionals in the field, also she was able to create her first design ever which was a humbling and great experience.

As for the design, she developed an abstract piece that represents what an architect does; to define architects as mediums for different dimensions. These dimensions incorporate emotions, functions, memories, visions, hopes, comfort and many other variables and translate them into space, where the user will physically experience the intangible. To her that is the role of an architect.

The architecture embodies thoughts, ideas, beliefs, emotions and experiences using space and place. It embodies the intangible and transitions it into the tangible.

Fatma Al Aay got her bachelor degree architecture from Dar Al Hekmah University. Fatima chose architecture as a major and career as it merges both aspects of art and science.

Additionally, she developed an interest in graphics and other aspects of design, especially digital illustrations and collages.